Get instant access to today's most powerful hiring tools - post jobs, screen candidates and streamline your entire hiring process.
Employers can post jobs or schedule events such as on-campus recruitments, off-campus recruitments etc.
Employers can view performance of their Job Postings and Events for number of applicants and also view the information of students who have applied for the openings. Employers can also deactivate their job postings when the vacancy is filled.
Development and global recruitment company located in Madhya Pradesh / Chattisgarh.We focus to develop innovative products and meet the exact HR requirements of the companies from diverse industry sectors in a time saving and cost efficient manner.
For recruitment we work closely with clients to find the exact skills needed in a prospect, We interview candidates extensively to ensure their competitiveness for the work & culture of client. We stringently maintain a set of core values: Integrity, Quality, Teamwork and Speed.
We believe in Improved retention of the talent is possible through the right work culture, practices and HR policies.
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